

About PerfectRec

PerfectRec is a personalized product recommendation site. We ask you simple questions and use a combination of human experts and machine learning to instantly recommend the perfect products for your unique needs. 

Right now, we cover personal electronics, including phones, TVs, laptops, and earbuds. We plan to expand into other categories, such as appliances, cars and financial products. 

More About PerfectRec’s Process 

What sets us apart from other review sites? 

  • Personalized recommendations: We’re not content to provide recommendations that are merely good enough for most people. We combine machine learning and human expertise to provide recommendations personalized for your unique needs. 

  • We don’t take affiliate payments: Many review sites get paid when you purchase products they link to in their reviews. We don’t do that. 

  • We solve your problem quickly: We don’t give you top 10 lists or long articles to read.  Instead, we just ask you the right questions, show you the best options for you, and  explain briefly how you should choose based on your needs.

About Joe Golden

Founder and CEO

Joe is an economist and experienced startup founder. Previously he was a software engineer at Microsoft and an economist at Google and Upwork. He has a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Michigan and has published several research papers, including a 2020 study identifying reputation inflation in online reviews. Joe co-founded his first startup,, in 2009 and bootstrapped it to a peak of 160 employees and nearly $100m in revenue before selling it in 2021. A lifelong computer enthusiast, Joe has spent decades advising friends and family on their electronics purchases.

Academic research 

Areas of expertise

  • Personal electronics

  • Consumer buying tips

  • Consumer protection

  • Fake reviews

  • Remote work

  • Online ad markets

  • Startups

  • Labor markets

In the news

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